Book Summary

Jesus heard Heidi's prayer. He knew her heart.

In a smoke-filled room in a seedy motel, Heidi Lonsberry cried out to God to rescue her. The 31-year-old single mother on welfare, estranged from her mother, has had a hard life. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she thought about overdosing on the cocaine that was available down the hall. However, she makes one final appeal for a miracle. God hears her prayer and sends her friend Troy Ashford, a despairing and broken 44-year-old divorced man, to her motel to comfort her. Their lives are radically transformed in that room by the divine creativity and power of God. An angel named Witness shares the story with us as we encounter lessons about the stubborn rebellious heart of people, God’s discipline and compassion, divine planning, testimony sharing, prayer, identity, Biblical counseling, spiritual transformation, discipleship, mentoring, Christian community, and what it means to be a godly man or woman.

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The Reviews Are Coming In

Xulon Press

The author includes great character development. As the story progresses, the characters mature and transform as new circumstances arise and events unfold. Throughout the manuscript, the prayers from each character give the reader fantastic insight into their souls. These prayers depict more emotion and individual consciousness than the general narration, which helps to make the story more intimate. Further, the author constructs a wonderfully complex plot, full of dramatic twists and turns, intricate history between characters, and varying themes of faith, family, and values that intertwine to reveal deeper messages. Readers are thoroughly entertained from start to finish.

Amanda Conroy, Book Reviewer

This book was faith-filled. This book had heavy themes and illustrated the consequences of sin while shining light on God's love and mercy. I loved the prayer throughout the book. The book also emphasizes the importance of Godly counsel and mentorship in our lives. Lastly, the book highlights how Christ is our fulfillment, and no matter the circumstances, we can have joy in His presence.


  • "If they seek a personal relationship with Me above everything else, they can find peace, joy, and contentment in whatever situation they are in."
  • "Jesus heard her prayer. He knew her heart and it was not good. However, He loved Heidi Mercy with an everlasting love. His love refused to quit on her."
  • "Heidi Mercy understood that when one walks closely with Jesus Christ they can know peace of mind and joy of heart regardless of the circumstances in their life."
  • "Healing only comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ."
    Trigger warning: grief, addiction

Hayley Williams, Book Reviewer

I am so thankful for receiving a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

After taking my time to read and reflect upon “The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry”, by Charles Wagner, I can easily and confidently share that it touched my heart in more ways than one. I would absolutely recommend it to all readers who enjoy a Christian read. The story of the lives and testimonies of both Heidi Lonsberry and Troy Ashford, reveal God’s love, compassion, forgiveness, healing, overcoming, and new beginnings. God’s love is evident from page one to page 501. I adored the consistent and loving reminder that “God knew their heart.”
Even in the messy, “He knew their heart.”
I will tell you that I underlined, made little notes, and highlighted all throughout this book, stopping to really soak in some of the words and prayers. If only you could see the actual physical pages after I read them. I truly feel that because of the way God’s love was poured into these pages and this story, there were multiple moments that I felt refreshed, loved, and encouraged as a Christian. In being fully transparent, I have a loved one that has lived a similar life to Heidi Lonsberry in multiple ways. While she is often making better decisions and has accepted Jesus in her heart, she still falls back into the same patterns at times. With that being said, when I say this book encouraged me in more ways than one...I truly mean it. On page 125 I underlined and wrote, “Our prayers matter, even the ”smaller” ones. Jesus listens.” On page 158, I underlined and wrote, “I feel this often, too.” On page 181, I underlined and wrote, “Believe this for ____.

Remember to have compassion towards her.” There have been many times when I have received phone calls from this person that broke my heart, where poor decisions were made, and I was left on the other end of the phone feeling heartbroken, angry and weary. As hard as this is to share, I am doing so to share with you that another one of these phone calls took place last week. Multiple to be exact. It just so happened that I was in the middle of reading “The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry.” This phone call went a little differently. In that moment, I was reminded that “He knew her heart.” In her messy, in my heartbreak, my hurt and messy, “Jesus knew her heart.” He redeems, restores, uses others, and can sure make something beautiful out of a mess. This book is such a loving reminder and testament to that. I highly recommend and would love to read a sequel!

Aubrey, Book Reviewer

This book is a make you think book. It's not a traditional style of fiction novel, which is why my review is a slightly different style than normal. As I read about Heidi and Troy, I felt like I was listening in on a testimony being shared or an extended sermon illustration. (I'm a pastor and I preach, so this is my world. Haha.) Lots of detail, patterns, heart break, healing, etc.,. Each of their life experiences were hard, but so very real. There's a hint of CS Lewis or Frank Peretti vibe as well as you get to read the perspective of the angels that witness the experiences.
As a trigger warning, you'll find some challenging topics: teen pregnancy, substance abuse, gender identity, promiscuity, abuse, loss, spiritual warfare, etc.,. Real life challenges.
However, for me the best part of the book was the constant reminder: "Jesus heard ______'s prayer. He knew [their] heart."
So many times I've felt like prayers haven't been heard when it seems they've gone unanswered, but I'm reminded as I read that simple phrase over and over that no prayer is wasted. God does listen. He does care. He understands the motives of my prayers even when it seems I can't put them to words myself.
I do plan to read Charles' other non-fiction books on prayer (Take Every Thought to Prayer, Take Every Passage to Prayer - both are on Amazon) because that simple refrain has made me think more than anything else. I needed that reminder.

Sylvia, Book Reviewer

The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry is a book that is filled with faith. Each page has a bunch. I really appreciate that there are a lot of heavy topics as well. It really showed why faith was so important here. It became especially important when it came to God's love for us, despite our sins. Overall, it's a really good book. The heavy topics were handled in a very delicate way. It also did a great job of getting the overall message across (God loves you!). Some heavy topics to note: addiction, grief, teen pregnancy.

Jessica Rae, Book Reviewer
10/10 stars

The day I started reading The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry the excitement of beginning a new book quickly faded as I read and realized this book was a raw journey, not a gentle story. The word that kept coming to mind was “uncomfortable”. Uncomfortable truths are oten the ones we sort of brush over, while we happily accept the good and happy things. But the raw bits of life, where we are needfully broken into fragments before we can be properly put back together is often avoided like a plague.

And just a chapter into this book, I wanted to run.

Even after the last page closed, and my Kindle now says I’ve reached 100%, I’m not sure that I’ve actually grasped everything there is to learn from this book. It will require a re-read and I’ve already returned my Kindle page tracker to 0%.

It then took me six chapters to realize it’s written in the stle of such classics as Pilgrim’s Progress or A Christmas Carol. Some parts I still do not completely understand but the one thing I know for sure is that the recurring phrase, that Jesus Christ hears us and He knows our heart, will linger long after this review.

There were moments, quite honestly, that I almost gave up reading it entirely, as flashbacks from life changing moments in my own life came rushing back painfully alongside the terrors and valleys that the characters were walking through. And as each character hid that pain inside their heart, I saw myself cowering with memories that I too had hidden.

But as these characters and I learned together, Jesus still sees in the shadows. And He cares.

And with each prayer they prayed I found myself praying too, figuratively ripping each memory from my mental list of traumas and abandonment, and symbolically shredding them.

As Heidi and the cast of characters discover, the hard way, we are cherished by the One who made us, and wrote our very creation in His book, and engraved the desire to serve Him upon our hearts.

As the last page closes, it is with the knowledge that eventually, redemption comes. Beauty is made from ashes, mourning into joy, the dark of night giving way to a glorious sunrise.

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About the Artist

Holly Young is an artist residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She has had a career in the corporate world, founded a nonprofit called New Life Furniture serving those in need, all while being an artist and woodworker. Her choice medium is acrylic but does work in all mediums! She has also painted large murals across the country. Her company, New Creation Artwork, is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. Her work can be found and purchased in local coffee shops and thru social media!

She is married to her high school sweetheart and has two grown children and currently, two grandchildren! She gives God the glory for every aspect of her life!

Contact Holly via
Facebook: New Creation Artwork
Instagram: @Newcreationartwork

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