• welcome@gramazin.com
  • PO Box 6014, Gloucester MA 01930
  • "Gramazin" is an anagram of the words "Amazing" and "Grace"

Introduction to Gramazin:
Creating a Testimony Sharing Culture

What does the word "Gramazin" mean?

Gramazin is a reshuffling of the letters in "Amazing Grace". It is pronounced "gra-maze-in".

What is our mission?

  • To encourage believers in Jesus Christ across America to share their testimonies of what Jesus Christ has done for them with their neighbors who are searching for hope.
  • To encourage the sharing of such testimonies on the websites of churches that profess that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

Note: This video refers to the "Gramazin Task Force". That is the retired name of what is now called the "Gramazin Network".

What are our two primary goals?

  • 50,000 believers in Jesus Christ will prepare and share their testimony for the first time.
  • 5,000 Bible-believing churches will publish believer testimonies on their church websites.

How does our mission serve Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is served by Gramazin Inc. as we build trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ among the unchurched. We do this by encouraging believers in Jesus Christ to be vulnerable with their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers by humbly sharing their testimonies of weakness and brokenness and Christ's transforming love.

What do we mean when we say we want to create a "testimony sharing culture"?

It is our prayer that entire congregations embrace the preparing and sharing of testimonies with their families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We want to see testimony sharing become as much a part of the normal church experience as participation in small group Bible studies and men's and women's ministries. It is our belief that testimony sharing should not be a rare event within the life of a church such as the dedication of a new building. It is also our belief that testimony sharing should be encouraged and celebrated in the announcements in each church service and in the weekly church newsletter.

Why is it so important for churches to embrace a testimony sharing culture?

  • Testimonies help believers who are struggling in their faith to see that God is loving and that He does deliver people from and carry people through difficult times. Testimonies shared increase the faith of members of the congregation.
  • A church emphasis on testimony sharing provides each believer with the opportunity to look in the mirror and examine their relationship with Christ. What has He done for them? Where is their faith strong? Where do they need to grow?
  • Testimony sharing builds new connections and relationships within a congregation. "Hi! My name is Charles. Thank you for sharing your testimony. I didn't know you struggled with that. So have I! Can we get together and talk?"
  • An emphasis on testimony sharing encourages believers, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to consider how they can share their faith with others in a non-threatening way. Who can refute a believer's personal spiritual experience?

Why is it so important for churches to publish testimonies on their websites?

There are people in the surrounding towns who are suffering in despair this very hour. Where are they going to turn for stories of hope? They are going to search online. A neighbor who is struggling with drug addiction searches for help. A testimony of deliverance from drug addiction through Jesus Christ, published by your church, is listed in the search engine results. The neighbor clicks on the link and are soon browsing the various testimonies published on your church website. They come to an obvious conclusion: "This church is not a group of holier-than-thou people who can't relate with me. They are broken and weak people, just like me, who have now found hope in Jesus Christ. I want to get to know these people."

How is a "testimony sharing culture" created within a church?

  • By one person responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit and saying, "Yes, I will share my testimony publicly. Pastor, please publish my testimony on the church website." Or, the pastor is moved by the Holy Spirit to publish testimonies on the church website and approaches a person within the congregation to set the example for others to follow.
  • It is Gramazin's primary objective in 2025 to devote our media to encourage as many believers as possible to become that first person in their church to share their testimony publicly.
  • Inspired by the trailblazer, other individuals within the congregation express their desire to publish their testimonies on the church website.
  • The church leadership detect the Holy Spirit is moving within the congregation regarding testimony sharing. With limited resources, they ask Gramazin for help to:
    • Communicate to the congregation the value of testimony sharing
    • Help members of the congregation prepare their testimonies
    • Consult with the church website designers to create a space on the website for testimonies
    • Promote the published testimonies on the church website within the local community

Why is our tagline "Jesus Christ really does change lives"?

Jesus is on trial in 21st century America. Is He still relevant to our nation? Our culture? Our institutions? Our communities? Our families? Individuals? We imagine Jesus on trial in the court of public opinion and we are his witnesses. "Yes, He is very relevant in the 21st century. Here's what He has done for me!"

Why is 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 the Gramazin verse?

A testimony is the story of how Jesus comforted us when we needed comfort. We then share our story of Jesus comforting us with others who need to be comforted as well.

Why is a lighthouse the icon for Gramazin?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. John 1:1-8 (NIV)

A lighthouse gives the mariner hope in a storm at sea. The beacon from the lighthouse shouts that the safety of land is nearby and dangers can be avoided. Similarly, a testimony tells us that Jesus is near and that He can guide us safely through the storms. Since our founder, Charles Wagner, is a resident of Gloucester, MA, the Annisquam Lighthouse is prominent in our materials.

What is the Gramazin Network?

The Gramazin Network is the community of all believers in Jesus Christ throughout America who have embraced the Gramazin mission and are working voluntarily on local teams to encourage churches in their region to publish testimonies on their websites. Gramazin provides support and resources to help them accomplish their objective.

Learn More

Who Are We?

We are a non-profit organization incorporated in Massachusetts in March 2024. We received our Federal 501c3 status in November 2024. Our staff is comprised of believers in Jesus Christ who profess that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

Building Following

We have a variety of initiatives designed to spread awareness of the Gramazin mission throughout the United States.

How Can We Help You?

We have a variety of initiatives designed to spread awareness of the Gramazin mission throughout the United States.

How Can You Help Us?

We have a variety of initiatives designed to spread awareness of the Gramazin mission throughout the United States.

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