Every individual associated with Gramazin is devoted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Word of God. We are evangelistic and we are missional, seeking both material and spiritual relief for our neighbors.
Our goal is to create teams of believers around the nation whose labor of love is to encourage churches in their region to publish testimonies on their websites. Our hurting neighbors will find hope online from the church down the street.
Beginning in late April 2024, Charles Wagner will be heard on WEZE 590 AM in Boston, MA. The Gramazin mission will be heard throughout New England and wherever the radio station's podcast can be heard around the nation.
Only 4 websites of 320 evangelical church websites researched as of April 19, 2024 publish testimonies to give hope to their neighbors in despair.
Let's understand this statistic. Believers in Jesus Christ say they have the answer for what people are searching for. Churches profess to have the answer for what people are longing for. Yet, testimonial evidence of how Jesus Christ rescues people are not made available for neighbors in despair who are searching for answers on the Internet. This needs to change my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Visit our radio page to learn more about our broadcast ministry.
Monday August 26, 2024
Cheryl Chumley
Tuesday August 27, 2024
Cheryl Chumley
Wednesday August 28, 2024
Mason Martin
Thursday August 29, 2024
Mason Martin
Friday August 30, 2024
Gramazin Staff
Are you searching for how to pray for something on your heart? Enter a keyword and search through both volumes of Charles Wagner's Take Every Thought to Prayer series for prayers that may be helpful for you.
After 54 years of ignoring the writing talent God had given him, Charles finally took his gift seriously in 2016. Over the past 7+ years, Charles has published over 2,000 pages of Christ-centered content. He released his two books on prayer in 2017-2018. His two-volume scholarly commentary of the New Testament was published in 2023. On March 20, 2024, Charles published his first Christ fiction, The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry. The book has received unanimous favor from a half-dozen Christian book reviewers who have read it from cover to cover. Every page that Charles writes is dedicated to helping the reader understand Biblical truths.
Listen to all seventeen chapter trailers of The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry.
Gra May zin, taken from "Amazing Grace"
The Gramazin Testimony Report, the show produced and hosted by Charles Wagner, the Executive Director of Gramazin, airs testimonies around America on WEZE 590 AM and WROL 950 AM in Boston. The goal of the New England Testimony Challenge is to air one testimony from every Bible believing church in New England.
Coming in the fourth quarter of 2024, Gramazin will offer a complete on-line course to help believers in Jesus Christ prepare and share their testimonies.
Dear Father, glorify Yourself with the work of Gramazin. Bring honor to Your name by what we do and say. This ministry belongs to You. It was inspired by You, empowered by You, and gifted by You. It is sustained and it grows by Your strength and will alone. Gramazin is but a tool in Your hand. Without You shepherding us, Gramazin will be useless to You or to anyone else. Father, do what You please with Gramazin so that it gives You pleasure and builds Your Kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Father, a ministry can be busy, getting a lot of things "done". However, that is no guarantee that lives will be changed by the ministry. Father, we want Gramazin to transform lives. We want Gramazin to bring people to faith in Jesus Christ. We want Gramazin to strengthen the faith of those who have already received Christ as their savior. We want Gramazin to be a resource churches cherish as their congregations become more missional and gospel-focused thanks to what we have to offer. Father, if only a few lives are transformed by what we do, it will be worth it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Dear Father, we have a vision for the spiritual revival of America. We believe that the preparation and sharing of a testimony does many good things for a believer's soul. We believe that the compilation of testimonies within a church does many good things for a congregation. We believe that the publishing of testimonies by a church makes the church relevant and meaningful to their neighbors who are searching for hope and answers. We believe that the publishing of testimonies by many churches in a region can spark regional revival. We believe that when churches across the United States are providing evidence that Jesus Christ is real and active in people's lives in the 21st century, there will be revival across America. Father, please empower Gramazin to orchestrate this. In Jesus' name, Amen.